Friday, July 4, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 12--Independence Day

Independence Day has always competed with Christmas for my favorite holiday. Usually we spend it with family, eating good food and having fun with fireworks. This holiday, we are reclaiming independence by using the long weekend to get over the hump with fixing our house so we can move.

Today I did my workout, Cardio Fix. Until now, I'd never done a full burpee because of my fear of injuring my slipped vertebrae further. Today, I felt my core was strong enough, so I did it. I left out the jumps at the end except for one time, but for two minutes broken into one minute segments, I DID BURPEES. (A burpee is where you put your hands down, hop back into a plank, hop in, and jump up.) And not only that, my four children sat on the couch, and watched me grunt and struggle at the end. "Come on, Mom!" they yelled. "You can do it!"

And when I finally finished, they cheered. They jumped up and down, clapped, and hollered, "YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!" I'm crying again now thinking about it.

My kids are the main reason I'm doing this. I want to be around for them. I had to take such care when I was pregnant with them, eat a specific diet, take my insulin. I did everything I had to to get them into this world safely, so I ask myself why it's taken this long to get it in gear. They need me just as much now that they're growing outside of my body.

I'm trying to get over the guilt, because for various reasons, I just couldn't manage this before. But I'm going to now. They deserve having a healthy mom. And I deserve being able to enjoy being a mom as much as I can.

This Independence Day for me is not only about celebrating our freedom from tyranny. I'm also celebrating my steps in taking back my independence.

Happy Independence Day. :)

free fireworks image 2 Over 100 FREE Fireworks Pictures
Picture from Ice Flow Studios

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